Created by Charmain Ingleton
Book cover illustrations by Andrew Wong
The Walkways Awakening - Book 1
ISBN: 978-0-244-35925-6
Three thousand Earthlings are shocked to find that they're not of this world and are taken from Earth, but during their introduction to a new alien civilisation a fracking incident causing a catastrophic disaster on Earth sends a frequency that’s heard in the outer galaxies. Now with the Authoritians the most feared species heading to Earth who will save mankind from extinction?
"The Walkways Awakening," is a new exciting science fiction book that's part of "The Walkways" trilogy. A fictional book with elements of fact, this book will open your eyes to what’s really here!
The Walkways Olesia - Book 2
ISBN: 978-0-244-07141-7
With Earth and Historia fallen to the Authoritians it seemed all hope was lost.
Banished; Stephanie guided by the ancestral spirits goes in search of a mystical spear that will not only save Historia but unbeknown to her would transform her into an immortal. Now the tables would be turned as the Authoritians did not stand a chance against, "Olesia." Defender of Mankind and the Universe!
"The Walkways Olesia," is the second book in this exciting new science fiction Walkways trilogy.
The Walkways Obsidians - Book 3
ISBN: 978-0-244-07331-2
When an unusual species is abducted from space and transforms into a child, the Hydro quickly inform the Obsidian leader, but within minutes of his arrival a battle begins as an illuminated warrior rushes through the catacombs with her almighty power. As the battle rages the child’s then taken, transporting with the Obsidian dark form to the outer galaxies.
Olesia in her crystallized form realised she’d arrived too late. Now she must find another way to trace her child and destroy the Obsidians!
"The Walkways Obsidians," is the third book in this exciting new science fiction Walkways trilogy.
The Walkways Trilogy
ISBN: 978-0-244-69631-3
Includes all three science fiction book in one book, The Walkways Awakening, The Walkways Olesia, and The Walkways Obsidians.
Read now to find out what fracking, sinkholes and the Hadon Collider have in common. This is a fictional book that contains factual elements.
These stories also include; heroes, hybrids, aliens, invasions, battles, transformations, crystal light energy and dark magic, witches, wizards, mythical creatures and immortals..
#thewalkways #thewalkwaystrilogy #sciencefiction #scifi #aliens #booklovers
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